Harvest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Harvest
As noun : अनाज काटने का समय Ex:  This year paddy harvest is rich because of good monsoon.
अन्न काटना Ex:  they gathered a harvest of examples उपज एकत्र करना Ex:  When such permits to harvest are abused, it is frequently difficult to police. कटनी Ex:  The total global harvest amounts to 150,000–200,000 metric tonnes annually उ:   कटनी ज़िला भारत के मध्य प्रदेश राज्य का एक ज़िला है। कटाई Ex:  When saffron is dried after its harvest उ:   यहाँ यह कटाई होती है उसे कटाई का कारखाना कहते हैं। खेत काटना Ex:  The Simadan harvest festival is found across the islands फसल एकत्र करना Ex:  While the United States produces almost half of the world's harvest फसल कटाई का समय Ex:  In conditions of harvest failure and increased poverty शस्य Ex:  A harvest of laurels, Much success, many victories संसि Ex:  Absolutely, We already harvest all सस्यमारी Ex:  After harvest स‌ंलवन Ex:  at the time of harvest
Other : उपज Ex:  It is important to harvest potatoes before heavy frosts begin उ:   प्रति एकड़ औसत उपज १००-१५० मन हो सकती है। कृषि Ex:  The harvest process is difficult उ:   केवल ५% भूमि पर कृषि की जाती है। खड़ी फसल Ex:  As in old times low water meant a small harvest तनाई Ex:  Folk song forms range from the harvest seu, simadan and wapa. फसल Ex:  A beautiful harvest, harvest a beautiful उ:   धान इस जिले की मुख्य फसल है।
Harvest ki paribhasha : ek kimati patthar ann aadi jo khet men bone se paapt ho phasal kaatane ki majadoori kaatakar giraane yogy vah ann ki upaj jo varsh ke pratyek ayan men hoti hai
Harvest synonyms
output intake result yield summer repercussion return season fruition effect yielding autumn fall consequence by-product harvesting storing garnering reaping ingathering fruitage cropping harvest-time amass mow pluck collect pick accumulate take in hoard cull bin plow cut squirrel get glean acquire cache stow stash strip harrow store pile up
Harvest antonyms
commencement source cause beginning origin start rise disperse scatter misunderstand grow squander surrender dissipate divide spend distribute plant waste fail lose yield seed
Usage of Harvest in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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