Hatch meaning in hindi
As noun : अंडे से बच्चा निकलना Ex: These species generally hatch in the nauplius 1 stage
अगिरीं Ex: This device is mounted on the turret roof in front of the Loader's hatch अररि Ex: The cysts will hatch at 2 to 3% salinity अररी Ex: Eggs hatch and continue life as tadpoles . चित्या Ex: After re-entering the LM, the hatch was closed and sealed. डड़ियाना Ex: Art artificially hatch the fish to multiply, to raise them दुवरवा Ex: Bolster hatch दूवार Ex: Drawing and Engraving Hatch crossing the first hatch a drawing द्वार Ex: Lower hatch उ: इन उपनगरों में दीवारें और द्वार भी थे। द्वारकपाट Ex: Put the eggs of silkworms in the sun, so they hatch निपाना Ex: Reaching a hatch प्रतिहारण Ex: Sunrise, open the hatch फलका मुख Ex: The birds hatch their eggs फलका Ex: The great geniuses that this century saw hatch उ: फलका प्रखंड में कुल तेरह पंचायत हैं। बनवना ‡पु Ex: These flowers will hatch soon बनाना Ex: , hatch a plot, a conspiracy Train उ: इनका प्रमुख कार्य भोजन बनाना है। बनावना मोहर उ: इसमे सोने की एक मोहर बनी थी और यह १००, २५०, ५०० आदि वर्गो मे थे। रुपायन वहिर्देंश सरजाना
As verb : अंडे फोडना Ex: Tick eggs hatch into larvae अंडे फोड़ना Ex: After krill hatch from the egg अंडे सेना Ex: A hen can hatch no more than 15-23 eggs अण्डे से निकलना Ex: Kakapo eggs usually hatch within 30 days अण्डे सेना Ex: The young hatch after 22–27 days and fledge after 21–24 days. आधा दरवाजा Ex: At the time of their meeting, the four men did not know about the hatch issue. झोल Ex: Most insects hatch from eggs but others are ovoviviparous or viviparous बच्चे निकालना Ex: The main hatch विपाट द्वार व्यांत सोये हुए बच्चे
Hatch ki paribhasha : vah jhilli ya thaili jisamen garbh se nikale hue bachche ya ande rahate hain kisi ko aaraam dena ya usaka kaam karana kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana naav ya jahaaj ki paatan men vah daravaaja jisamen se hokar niche se log oopar jaate aur oopar se niche utarate hain ghar men aane jaane ke liye divaar men khula hua sthaan
ExamplesHatch synonyms
spawn come up with originate concoct formulate devise conceive breed invent dream up incubate set sire contrive procreate design provoke plot brood engender prepare make scheme cause brainstorm parent bear produce induce generate project occasion cook up get up make up whip up work up spitball bring forth give birth lay eggs think up throw together trump up Hatch antonyms
destroy dissuade hinder disorganize ruin prevent refuse discourage end finish halt stop kill neglect Usage of Hatch in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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