Hateful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hateful
As adjective : गर्हित Ex:  A hateful character
घिनौना Ex:  By analogy, this is a prison, it is a stay hateful घृणा करने के योग्य Ex:  He left a hateful name, hated घृणित Ex:  It is a hateful man बीभत्सित Ex:  Lyrics hateful श्रमण Ex:  O generation of vipers, Expression used to designate in writing and that the Pharisees now applies to categories of persons hateful
Other : घृणास्पद Ex:  It also means that you Repulsion violent causes a person or thing frightening or hateful
Hateful ki paribhasha : jise dekhakar ya sunakar ghrana paida ho
Hateful synonyms
abhorrent vile spiteful vicious disgusting heinous despicable repulsive ornery odious bitter abominable accursed awful catty confounded damnable damned detestable evil execrable forbidding foul gross infamous invidious loathsome malevolent malign mean offensive pesky pestiferous repellent repugnant revolting undesirable blasted despiteful horrid resentful cussed shuddersome uncool
Hateful antonyms
kind pleasing pleasant attractive desirous wonderful friendly likable lovable polite gentle nice good likeable agreeable loveable
Usage of Hateful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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