Haughty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Haughty
As adjective : अभिदृप्त Ex:  Vera, is cold and somewhat haughty
असन्नद्ध Ex:  A haughty reply अहंकृत् Ex:  A haughty tone अह्निय Ex:  Approach haughty उत्सेको Ex:  be haughty कडार Ex:  Capacity proud and haughty खुदपरस्त Ex:  D ' a haughty manner गरूरी Ex:  haughty गर्भन Ex:  haughty character गुरबी Ex:  Looking over someone's shoulder, the look with disdain, one way haughty घमंडिन Ex:  This haughty spirit rebels against such a large reduction घमंडी Ex:  This is a man haughty उ:   शान-शौकत मनुष्य को घमंडी बनाती है और उसके पतन का कारण बनती है। घमण्डी Ex:  , Standing up on his high horse, stand on his spurs, get on its lugs, and Take a haughty aggressive attitude दुर्विनीत फखीर बहिव्यसनी मिजाजो श्रियंमन्य संबद्धदर्प संरंभी सदंम सदर्प समद्धत सरफराज सस्मय सानुक साविष्कार सौत्सेक स्पर्द्धी, स्पर्धी स्मयी स्मेर हंकारी
Other : अविनयी Ex:  A haughty mood उद्धत Ex:  By extension, a haughty language ऐंठू Ex:  By extension, a haughty spirit गर्ववंत Ex:  haughty Lyrics गर्वशील Ex:  haughty Lyrics गर्वित Ex:  Having the haughty air, mine and haughty manners गर्वीला Ex:  In a haughty manner गुस्ताख Ex:  more often said haughty टर्रा प्रतिदड मानी उ:   इससे आयु की गणना ५० साल मानी जाती है।
Haughty ki paribhasha : vah jo gurujanon ke saamane aisa kaam kare jo anuchit ho chedivnshiy kuti ka putr harivnsh
Haughty synonyms
imperious snobbish cavalier indifferent snooty contemptuous assuming conceited detached disdainful distant egotistic high high and mighty hoity-toity lofty overbearing overweening proud reserved scornful snotty stuck-up supercilious superior uppity egotistical on high horse sniffy
Haughty antonyms
meek timid humble shy
Usage of Haughty in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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