Haulage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Haulage
As noun : कर्षण ठुलाई Ex:  Entrepreneur of transport, haulage
कर्षण शुल्क कर्षणअ कर्षवहन ढुलाई वहन शुल्क
Haulage ki paribhasha : aguaayi ya netratv karana
Haulage synonyms
grip purchase stress strain pull absorption stretch drag adherence adhesion suck contraction drawing constriction suction draught resorption towage pulling transit shipment passage moving shipping conveying portage hauling freightage carrying
Haulage antonyms
Usage of Haulage in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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