Have to do with meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Have to do with
As verb :
पाला पड़ना, किसी से सम्बन्ध रखना या होना
Have to do with synonyms
vest bear apply be characteristic of be part of be pertinent be proper be relevant touch upon reside exist fit permeate set go inhere chime suit harmonize match accord associate befit correlate correspond become agree attach to be a component be a constituent be a part be akin be an adjunct of be connected with be fitting be linked with be related bear upon go with have relationship to have respect to involve answer to bear on belong to appertain to apply to be about be applicable to be dependent upon be interdependent with be pertinent to be well taken depend upon have a bearing on have connections with have implications for have relation to have significance for refer to approach behave clear consider control direct discuss hack it handle oversee play review rid serve unburden use attend to behave toward conduct oneself cope with get a handle on something live with make a go of it make it see to take care of engage perform share cooperate compete aid partake concur strive chip in come in enter into go into engage in associate with be a participant be a party to be into get in on get in on the act have a hand in join in latch on lend a hand sit in on take an interest in tune in incorporate hold point cover encompass include take in be a matter of be directed to correspond with have reference relate to be relevant to compare ascribe affect assign coordinate yoke couple conjoin unite credit bracket impute combine orient ally identify with orientate interrelate consociate interconnect be joined with correspond to have reference to tie in with manage evaluate employ account wield negotiate value estimate appraise look upon act with regard to conduct oneself toward have business with have recourse to react toward
Have to do with antonyms
disapprove refuse disconnect avoid disassociate disagree oppose differ unconcern mismanage prevent block hinder impede obstruct direct stop observe watch exclude disbelieve disregard ignore hold back drop abandon look away disjoin conceal hide dissociate divide separate abstain misuse reject harm injure fail neglect leave receive let go hurt
Usage of Have to do with in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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