Hazardous meaning in hindi
As noun : खतरनाक Ex:  3,600 people died in a single month due to the hazardous air quality. उ: सबसे खतरनाक कैन्सर रोग तक ठीक हो जाता है।
भीमयु Ex:  Remedies extreme, aggressive and hazardous media that you do not use until you try success all other शंकी Ex:  Tournant hazardous संदिग्घ सकंटक सप्रतिभय सोद्योग
As adjective : जोखिम वाला Ex:  As the types of acids used in this process are extremely hazardous जोखिमी Ex:  Exposure to neutrons can be hazardous दैवाधीन Ex:  Engaging in hazardous speculations परिसंकटमय Ex:  He has rope hanging in his pocket, said of a man who earns a lot, which always wins the game, or who fortunately draws most hazardous firms भयहेतुक Ex:  He throws himself headlong into the most hazardous enterprises भयंकर Ex:  Loving extraordinary enterprises, hazardous संकटमय संकटास्पद
Other : खतरनाक. Ex:  Raney nickel will produce hazardous fumes when burning भाग्याधीन Ex:  Mood hazardous सांशयिक
Hazardous ki paribhasha : anishchita, sndehaaspad ya khatare se bhara hua kaam
ExamplesHazardous synonyms
uncertain unhealthy unsafe precarious unsound risky perilous dicey difficult chancy hairy haphazard hot insecure touchy venturesome wicked parlous Hazardous antonyms
stable guarded predictable protected certain definite secure sure strong well safe Usage of Hazardous in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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