Healthy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Healthy
As noun : स्वस्त Ex:  In a healthy democracy
As adjective :
अकृश Ex:  pleasantry is a great medicine for healthy life. आरोग्य कर Ex:  Pleasantry is a great medicine for healthy life. आरोग्यकारी Ex:  A healthy baby born at full term. गलवार्त Ex:  While some seeds are considered by some as healthy to eat जडैल Ex:  For human teeth to have a healthy oral environment निरुपाधि Ex:  In return for a healthy annual stipend निरोग Ex:  Greek cuisine is often cited as an example of the healthy Mediterranean diet. उ:   तब से सभी लोग निरोग दिखाई देते हैं। निरोगी Ex:  Vrba was able to stay healthy and free of disease. उ:   कहा जाता है कि इसका निराहार सेवन करने से मानव निरोगी बना रहता है। नीरोगी Ex:  Tolstoy was remarkably healthy for his age यौवनस्थ Ex:  In Émile he differentiates between healthy and "useless" crippled children. विरोग Ex:  For those who have healthy kidneys सहारोग्य Ex:  This form of meningitis is rare in otherwise healthy people सहीसलामत Ex:  Upon reusing these healthy chickens स्वस्थ Ex:  Pneumocystis pneumonia is relatively rare in healthy उ:   स्वस्थ होने के बाद अशोक ने उससे विवाह कर लिया। स्वस्थ्यवऋद्धक Ex:  It has achieved a healthy level of growth. स्वास्थ्य के लिये हितकर Ex:  Though changing in the past years, Icelanders remain a very healthy nation.
Other : अरोग Ex:  The unmannerly behaviour of teenagers is not a healthy trend. अरोगी Ex:  Children should have a proper and healthy diet. कुशल Ex:  strong and healthy are collocation. उ:   अपने जमाने में ये अक्षांश देशांतर की गणना में सबसे कुशल व्यक्ति थे। गुणकारी Ex:  Edinburgh has a healthy popular music scene. चंगा Ex:  Taylor has cleaned up his life and lived a healthy चाँगला Ex:  The American Diabetes Association recommends maintaining a healthy weight तंदुरुस्त Ex:  The victims were often healthy young adults उ:   ये पीकर तंदुरुस्त भी रहते हैं। निर्व्याधि Ex:  Neuropsychology involves the study of both healthy individuals and patients नीरोग Ex:  The albinistic are generally as healthy as the rest of their species उ:   बाद को वह नीरोग हो गया। भला चंगा Ex:   The book is based on Rousseau's ideals of healthy living. विरुज Ex:  Even healthy people can be affected व्याधि Ex:  Scientists recommend a healthy उ:   आवेग, मोह, व्याधि इसकी श्रणभंगुर भावनाएं है। स्वास्थ्य Ex:  All the children except Bholi were healthy and strong . उ:   स्वास्थ्य के लिए पीपल को अति उपयोगी माना गया है। स्वास्थ्यप्रद Ex:  A good healthy body उ:   हवा औरधुप मकानों को स्वास्थ्यप्रद रखने में काफी मदद देती हैं।
Healthy synonyms
vigorous tough normal athletic healthful hearty lively fresh active robust strong able-bodied all right blooming chipper firm fit flourishing hale hardy husky lusty muscular potent restored sound stout sturdy trim unimpaired virile well whole bright-eyed bushy-tailed full of life in fine feather in fine fettle in good shape in the pink physically fit rosy-cheeked safe and sound
Healthy antonyms
idle inactive lethargic kind apathetic lazy feeble infirm diseased fragile worn weak delicate gentle unhealthy lifeless soft ill indisposed poor sick sickly delicated
Usage of Healthy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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