Heather meaning in hindi
As noun : फूलों वाली झाड़ी Ex:  Coming out from there there is a large heather, large heather
As adjective :
हेदर (झाड़ी Ex:  Fagot heather
Other : झाड़ी Ex:  A land of heather उ: यह मरुष्थल में पाई जाने वाली उपयोगी झाड़ी है।
Heather ki paribhasha : bahut se chhote chhote pedon ka samooh ya jhuramut
ExamplesHeather synonyms
ashen dingy drab dusky dusty iron lead leaden livid mousy neutral pearly peppery powder sere slate smoky somber stone clouded shaded battleship cinereal dove granite oyster silvered silvery dappled Usage of Heather in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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