Heaven meaning in hindi
As noun : अकुंठधिष्ण्य Ex: What happened? This place stinks to high heaven .
अक्षयलोक Ex: This meat smells to high heaven . अगिर Ex: "If anyone could have gained heaven as a monk अदमआबाद Ex: "For there are three that bear record in heaven अनिलवाह Ex: Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven अपरलोक Ex: Death, judgment, heaven and hell are called the "four last things". अभ्रपथ Ex: I am not from the highest heaven अमरधाम Ex: Flash is now in rock and roll heaven . अमरलोक Ex: "You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first and then heaven अमृतलोक Ex: Then a voice came from heaven saying: 'You are My beloved Son आखिरत Ex: He spoke of rewards both on earth and in heaven इंद्रलोक Ex: Chaucer's palinode has Troilus looking down laughing from heaven उत्तमश्लोक Ex: All that is under heaven खुल्द Ex: and poetically Threatening heaven, heaven is said of some quite high objects गँगन Ex: Aspirate to heaven गगन Ex: Astronomy Point of heaven which is located directly above our head and which would lead a high vertical line from the point where we are उ: साथ ही यहां अनेकों गगन चुंबी अट्टालिकाएं उठतीं जा रहीं हैं। गैंन Ex: Beatific Vision, view that elected officials have of God in heaven जन्न्त Ex: Certify heaven of good faith त्रिदिव Ex: Circular Line that the observer is the center and where heaven and earth seem to join त्रिधाम Ex: Do we know what heaven destines us? It is destined to the bar, the त्रिविष्टप Ex: Earning heaven by good works दिब्ब Ex: Eternal life, The State of the blessed in heaven दिवि Ex: Felicite whose elected enjoy in heaven उ: इस मंत्र पर निरुक्त ने दिव्य शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति दिव्या दिवि की है। दिव्य Ex: Find the state of heaven for every day of the month उ: वह दिव्य है, सर्जनात्मक है। दिव्यचक्षु Ex: Friendship is a gift from heaven देवनिंकाय Ex: God created the heaven and the earth देवभ Ex: God created the heaven and the earth देवभवन Ex: God created the heaven and the earth देवभूमि Ex: He moved heaven and earth to get this job, to help his friend उ: इस क्षेत्र को देवभूमि व तपोभूमि माना गया है। देवमई Ex: He still says the miraculous rise of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he ascended to heaven देवराज्य Ex: Help yourself and heaven will help you देवलोक Ex: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth उ: इन दोनों को देवलोक में रख लिया गया। देवसदन Ex: It does not say that in speaking of some small white and gray clouds, usually rounded, which sometimes appear in heaven and gray and white mixed Marks which are formed by roundels on some horses द्यलोक Ex: It employs figuratively, in terms of Theology, in this phrase, the church militant, the assembly of the faithful on earth; as opposed to the triumphant church, the congregation in heaven द्युवन् Ex: It is a gift from heaven that a true friend द्युसह्य Ex: It is also said From above, from heaven धरमदुवार Ex: It is also said Graft on franc on savage, heaven on नभस्तल Ex: It is said in the Gospel that nor adulterers, neither fornicators, nor homicide not enter the kingdom of heaven नाकपृष्ठ Ex: It sometimes takes to the Stars, and in this sense we say influences of heaven Alleged influences the stars नाकलोक Ex: joys of the heaven परधाम Ex: Location seems clear to heaven foggy clouds or between परलोक Ex: Looking up to heaven उ: इसी कारण यह परलोक नहीं भरता । परवेश्म Ex: Looking up to heaven पुण्यलोक Ex: May heaven give you a long life! May you succeed in your projects! May your successful projects! Can he arrive soon! POWER is also said to mark the possibility of some event, some design प्रदिव्य Ex: Our Lord ascended into heaven प्रलोक Ex: Paul removed the third heaven प्रेत्य Ex: RAVIR in religious language, means heaven Transporter फिरदौस Ex: Reaching hands to heaven भक्तराज Ex: Saint Paul was caught up to the third heaven भगवान Ex: Saint Paul was taken up into the third heaven उ: भगवान शिव की सुंदर प्रतिमा यहां स्थापित है। भोगभूमि Ex: Soothe heaven by hecatombs वायुमंडल Ex: Sunrise hands to heaven उ: यह वायुमंडल की विशिष्ट परिसंचरण प्रणाली है। विबुधसद्म Ex: Sunrise hands to heaven वियत्पथ Ex: Sunrise hands to heaven विषविधि Ex: Thanks or thank heaven विसारी Ex: The air of serenity, time, heaven विहा Ex: The cataracts of heaven were opened वीरमार्ग Ex: The church triumphant, the blessed who are in heaven वीरलोक Ex: The dew of heaven वेल्ल Ex: The fat of the land and the dew of heaven वैष्ट्र Ex: The Gospel says: Blessed are the poor in spirit for the kingdom of heaven is theirs शक्रभवन Ex: The height of heaven शक्रभुवन Ex: The king of kings, the king of heaven and earth, God शक्रलोक Ex: The kingdom of heaven शक्रवास Ex: The living room, the house of the righteous, Paradise, heaven श्रुग्ग Ex: The sacred shield, was believed to have fallen from heaven in the time of Numa, Palladium was the Roman power सर्वतोसुख Ex: The stars of heaven सुखधाम Ex: The writing says that neither fornicators nor adulterers will enter the kingdom of heaven सुरथान Ex: These things are distant as heaven and earth, is said of two things between which there is a big difference सुरदेश Ex: This aid has fallen from heaven सुरधाम Ex: This is a judgment of heaven सुरनगर Ex: This is a punishment from God, a punishment from heaven सुरपतिपुर Ex: Up to heaven सुरपुर Ex: We will not be perfectly happy in heaven सुरलोक Ex: , Help yourself and heaven will help you, it must first act, when we want to overcome something सुरसद्म Ex: , the third heaven be delighted, over the moon, feel a great satisfaction, great joy सुरस्थान Ex: , This was written in heaven सुरौका Ex: Attendez heaven the reward of your work सूरवेश्म Ex: Dieu made heaven and earth स्वरग Ex: In terms of Theology, the four ends of man or the last end of man, death, judgment, heaven or hell स्वर्ग Ex: Lucifer was cast out of heaven उ: इस प्रदेश को धरती का स्वर्ग कहा गया है। स्वर्गपद स्वर्गलोक उ: वे पाँच ब्रह्म पुरुष स्वर्गलोक के द्वारपाल हैं ।
Other : अर्श Ex: Muhammad is said to have toured heaven and hell उ: अर्श शब्दआकाश छत के अर्थ में भी आता है। जन्नत Ex: Biblical name of the city as the son of Noah built along with a tower to reach heaven as a punishment for what God put confusion in their language उ: जन्नत रूपी उद्यान चहारदीवारी के भीतर बना है। नाक Ex: It means, in terms of painting, the place where a table in the order of plans, heaven follows the earth उ: उन्होंने भारत सरकार की नाक में दम कर दिया और परिणाम स्वरूप जेल भी गए। वैकुंठ Ex: The Giants said the Fable wanted scale heaven
Heaven ki paribhasha : ooanchaayi par ka vah chaaron aur phaila hua apaar sthaan jo nila aur shoony dikhaayi deta puraanaanusaar vishnu ka dhaam ya sthaan snsaar ka karta aur parichaalak sagun brahm aakaasha, jisamen vaayu pravaahit hoti hai vah sthaan jo sharir chhodne par aatma ko praapt hota hai hinduon ke saat lokon men se tisara lok jo oopar aakaash men soory lok se lekar dhruv lok tak maana jaata hai ashtavarg ke antargat mahaameda naam ki aushadhi
ExamplesUsage of Heaven in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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