Hedge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hedge
As noun : इहतियात Ex:  The hedge around the house needs a clip.
कांटों या झाडी की टट्टी Ex:  We will hedge against any risk we can detect . कांटों या झाड़ी की टट्टी Ex:  I have to hedge my bets against losing . क्षुपवृति Ex:  A hedge of thorns घिचपिचाना Ex:  A very thick hedge घेरे रहना Ex:  be sheltered under a shed, under a tree, behind a wall behind a hedge झाड़ियाँ Ex:  Behind the hedge उ:   यहाँ केवल कँटीली झाड़ियाँ हीं उगती हैं। टट्टी से आड करना Ex:  convex lenses, glasses that are given a convex shape and used to hedge clocks, watches, vases, small statues, etc टट्टी से आड़ करना Ex:  Crossing a hedge डिफेंस Ex:  Gird a park of a hedge उ:   अन्य मुद्दों की चर्चा मिसाइल डिफेंस कमान, में की गई है। निरूवार Ex:  I did plant a hedge along the wall to hide the बचाउ Ex:  interjection that uses the game of chess, when you attack the king, so that he is obliged to withdraw or hedge बचाव Ex:  Kind stair formed sleepers Wood and practiced in a hedge to allow the cross उ:   वर्तमान में बचाव ही इसका उपाय है। बाड Ex:  Men of action and hedge उ:   आर्लिंग्टन और जर्मनी का बाड कोनिग्शोफ़न नगर १९५२ से भगिनी नगर हैं। बाड़ लगाना Ex:  Opening produced by force or accident which serves as a fence, as a wall, a hedge बाडा बनाना Ex:  They say the same ditch adjoining terraced hedge बाड़ा बनाना Ex:  , Dying at the corner of a wood, a hedge die without help and without assistance मफर Ex:  It is time to prune this hedge वृतिक्षुप हिचकिचाना
Other : बाड़ Ex:  Planting a hedge उ:   बगीचों में बाड़ लगाने के लिए शूलपर्णी का उपयोग किया जाता है। बाड़ी Ex:  There is a breach in this wall, this hedge उ:   इनका मुख्य कार्य खेती बाड़ी है। बाडा Ex:  Through the hedge रोक Ex:  RIDEAU says also figuratively of Trees, shrubs planted hedge or fence, to produce the shade or to break the violence of the wind उ:   अतः उत्पादक इस बिन्दु पर पहुंचने के उपरान्त उत्पादन रोक देता है। संगर
Hedge ki paribhasha : sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana ek prakaar ki aangiya ya kurati jo memen pahanati hain aur aajakal bahuteri bhaaratiy striyaaan bhi pahanane lagi hain striyon ka baaanh par pahanane ka taaand naamak gahana aisi sthiti men karana jisamen kisi ko dikhaayi na pade ya pata na chale
Hedge synonyms
shrubbery fence barrier screen bush guard protection hurdle thicket enclosure quickset hedgerow windbreak sidestep fudge waffle pussyfoot shuffle temporize equivocate stonewall tergiversate evade prevaricate stall flip-flop quibble duck shuck blow hot and cold cop out hem and haw pass the buck shilly-shally jive cop a plea be noncommittal beat around the bush give the run around sit on the fence tergiverse cage hinder coop obstruct girdle immure surround corral restrict pen ring confine border block siege hem in
Hedge antonyms
opening confront release face meet aid assist center free let go help promote set free
Usage of Hedge in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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