Held meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Held
As verb : ओगण Ex:  He was held in captivity until he died.
संघटित Ex:  65.805% of BOCHK Holdings is held by Bank of China उ:   इन्होंने व्रजभाषा के प्रयोगों के आधार पर नूतन वाग्योग संघटित किया है।
As adjective : अभिनिर्धारित Ex:  An emergency meeting waas held at the armury. आयोजित करना Ex:  physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients धारित Ex:  We held off the attackers . उ:   मौजूदा अमेरिकी पेटेंट ऑर्थो-मॅकनील-जैनसेन द्वारा धारित है। धृत Ex:  45% were held by Hindus
Held ki paribhasha : ladne ki ek paddhati
Held synonyms
guarded controlled defended taken retained occupied adhered gripped believed clutched detained
Held antonyms
freed lost released
Usage of Held in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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