Hell bent meaning in hindi
As noun : अंचुता
अड़ंग अडिग उ: अपने सिद्धान्तों पर चट्टान की तरह अडिग एवं स्थिर रहते थे। अपील उ: सूचना न मिलने पर अपील प्रक्रिया भी लगभग एक ही समान है। अमोर
ExamplesHell bent synonyms
bent on constant decided driven firm fixed obsessed persevering persistent relentless resolute serious single-minded steadfast strong-willed stubborn tenacious unrelenting unwavering unhesitating resolved set on strong-minded dogged energetic diligent inexhaustible unflagging assiduous painstaking vigorous tireless active industrious ironclad patient pertinacious sedulous strenuous unfaltering unflinching unremitting unwearied dead set on nose to grindstone stop at nothing unwearying preoccupied watching steady deep alert attending eager earnest absorbed attentive committed concentrated decisive engaged engrossed enthusiastic immersed intense piercing rapt settled watchful concentrating minding riveted wrapped up Hell bent antonyms
changing indifferent idle inactive lazy lethargic tired negligent fatigued weary wavering unstable indefinite undecided trivial unconcerned irresolute flexible soft weak unfixed unenthusiastic distracted Usage of Hell bent in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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