Help meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Help
As noun : अंगमर्द Ex:  His help wos not worth a fig.
अंचुर Ex:  I was not sure if she will succeed but I certainly hope so.
John is going to help me, or so he says.
अग्याकारिनि Ex:  With the help of computers animation films can be made. अनुकर Ex:  Today computers help in translation. अनुचारिका Ex:  Title 8 provided federal help for schools असिस्टंट Ex:  Her help was involuntary. आग्रहिका Ex:  Can you help me organize my files? आज्ञाकर Ex:  aim of this policy is to help the poor. आनुयात्रिक Ex:  I will always be there to help you आराधनी Ex:  The old man was walking with the help of a staff. उत्तंभ Ex:  We should help the poor. उत्तसाधक Ex:  The room was full of artillary shells to help the terrorist. उपकारण Ex:  The help arrived on the fourteenth day. उपसत्ति Ex:  Make a resolve to help someone. एड Ex:  Timely help was given to the injured person. औलग Ex:  he tried to help the down-and-out कंकर Ex:  Statistical approximations help planning a scheme. किंकरता Ex:  With the help of spigot, I closed the mouth of tap. कियंकर Ex:  Apply some menthol to the knee, it would help you" कुटहारिका Ex:  He promised to help me. कुमकु Ex:  Steam ships are driven with the help of steam. कैंकर्य Ex:  please help us खादिमा Ex:  He waved his hands for help खिजमतिया Ex:  he read a book on salesmanship but it didnt help गृहसेवक Ex:  He offered to help his colleague instantly. चरणसेवी Ex:  Provincial attitudes will not help to become gentle. चर्या Ex:  I wish,I could help you in your crises. चेराँ Ex:  I will be there to help you always. चेराइपु Ex:  He thanked me—after a fashion—for my help . जोष Ex:  She flung up her hands and cried out for help . तबीन Ex:  Let's ask Ann to help us . तवस्सल Ex:  Please help her along . दादरस Ex:  Can you help me with this? Bill: I'm busy . दासजन Ex:  May I help you? Mary: No, thanks . दोस्थ Ex:  On the one hand, I really could use Ann's help . निषेवन Ex:  I sent down John to help . न्योचनी Ex:  I need some help on this project . पड़पण Ex:  With the help of other Carrington agents and a Maian nicknamed Elvis पण्यदासी Ex:  After the Crimean Tatars asked for help from the Ottomans परचारगी Ex:  Franz Joseph asked for help from the "Gendarme of Europe," Czar Nicholas I परप्रेष्य Ex:  Several kits and other aids are marketed to help toilet-train cats. परप्रेष्या Ex:  English and Technology help but are not essential. परिकर्मी Ex:  With help from the United States and the United Nations परिगृहीता Ex:  The British asked for Canadian help in the conflict परिचारि Ex:  With the help of Marvin परिचारिक Ex:  Kubrick brought in other writers to help write the AI script परिष्टि Ex:  With the help of the Franciscan Friar Lawrence पर्येषण Ex:  Lebna Dengel declined to help पादसेवन Ex:  The thieves that Wild would help to "discover" पारिकुट Ex:  To help solve this problem पीट पठिंगा Ex:  Pound began composing the Villon with the help of Agnes Bedford पुं Ex:  Physical Education and subjects that can help the local community. पृष्ठपोषक Ex:  This time with the help of his wife Octavia पृष्ठपोषण Ex:  Several people tried to help others during the attack पेशदामन Ex:  The Emacs help system is useful not only for beginners पोतारना Ex:  With the help of his friends Ward and Betty Kimball प्रतिसरा Ex:  Temüjin rescued her with the help of his friend and future rival प्रबन्ध करना Ex:  To help in church government matters, he makes use of the Roman Curia. प्रस्कुंद Ex:  Although shipped into Africa mainly from Europe as free development help प्रेष्या Ex:  Their help and intervention is sought प्रैष्य Ex:  The series also met with criticism in its attempts to help the underprivileged. प्रोत्साहन देना Ex:  "to help those who read it" फर्माबरदार Ex:  Despite help from Narimantas बच्ना Ex:  In enlisting the help of Tecumseh बदा Ex:  Although this was undoubtedly because Brock needed the help of Tecumseh बाउंटी Ex:  These include general help sites like Easy Ubuntu Linux बाडीर Ex:  Ben Geraghty, tried his best to help Aaron on and off the field. भड़िल Ex:  Kidneys help fishes control the amount of ammonia in their bodies. भुंजष्य Ex:  Davenport enlisted the help of a friend मदद करना Ex:  Erekle sought the help of Russia. मदद देना Ex:  The shutters also help prevent the use of plugs made to other standards. मदद Ex:  Humans are hard-wired to approve of things that help society – public utility. उ:   महाराजा ने भारत सरकार से मदद की अपील की। मद्दत, मद्दति Ex:  The book was financed with help from his fellow cadets at West Point रिलीफ Ex:  He thanked Rwanda for their help वशवर्ती Ex:  The Bahamians refused to help वारिवस्या Ex:  British Transport Police may be present to help with overcrowding. विधिकर Ex:  When he himself asks her why she does not stay to help विष्टब्धि Ex:  New Jersey, was also constructed in 1917 to help in the war effort. विष्टिकृत् Ex:  Guanaja received little help from the national government शागिर्दपेशा Ex:  Guillaume Farel pleaded with Calvin to stay in Geneva and help the city. शिराकती Ex:  These studies help in developing influenza countermeasures शुश्रूषिता Ex:  1951. With the help of his son Walter श्रमिक Ex:  "Golden maidservants hastened to help their master. उ:   कयर क्षेत्र में पाँच लाख श्रमिक काम करते हैं। श्रीतवान Ex:  With the help of the Comintern श्रुष्टि Ex:  The Emperors appealed to the west for help श्लिकु Ex:  Tewfik appealed for help to the British श्लिक्यु Ex:  With help from Robert Cailliau समाराधन Ex:  With the help of French experts सरविस Ex:  With the help of a state senator सवेग Ex:  Soon, British supplies and tanks were flowing to help the Soviet Union. सहाइ Ex:  Peniamina returned as a missionary with the help of Toimata Fakafitifonua. सहायक होना Ex:  She incorporated the help of many established musicians सहायक Ex:  The band enlisted the help of producer David Bottrill उ:   हिमालय से निकलने वाली गंगा की अंतिम सहायक नदी है। सहायता मदद Ex:  With the help of chemicals सहायता Ex:  The group left after Watson's wife called on neighbours for help उ:   जर्मन और इटालियन दूतावासों ने उनकी सहायता की। सहायथा Ex:  With Christ's help he overturned their tents सहाय्य Ex:  To help ensure that membership numbers are reported correctly सहारा देना Ex:  It has been shown to help alleviate depression and fatigue. सहावत Ex:  With the help of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs सह्यकर्म Ex:  Nehru sought Patel's help in winning the party over साति Ex:  Lockheed had a few ideas for tests that would help them find an answer. सानाथ्य Ex:  With the help of a talking amphibian called Frog साहायक Ex:  Lacking the help of a modern translation team साहाय्य करना Ex:  It was written with the help of Alan Burgess साहाय्यकर Ex:  With the help of Johannes Jessenius साह्य Ex:  Meeting energy needs can help improve performance during the sport सेवक Ex:  After receiving an appeal for help from General Franco in July 1936 उ:   फ्राइडे नामक सेवक एकमात्र उसका मित्र है। सेवा करना Ex:  With the help of Piso and Pompey सेवा Ex:  MSF has always appealed for help from the media उ:   यह सेवा ३० नवंबर २०१४ को आरम्भ हुई थी। सेवाव्यवहार Ex:  We can help them by sharing the information that we have . सेविका Ex:  Sub-mucosal glands Brunner's glands also help in this . स्कंभन Ex:  With the help of his three sons Gobind cultivated the land . हंजा Ex:  They can be seen only with the help of large telescopes . हंजिका Ex:  You can take the help of some elders or books on trees . हशम Ex:  Hence, they may not help the users in decision-making much . हस्तप्रद Ex:  Action to help each other
As verb : अंतर्निर्भरता Ex:  Pancreas help to keep a person from being diabetic. अभिसरन Ex:  Interdenominational attitudes help one to interact freely. अववाद Ex:  We all help each other. आढ़ Ex:  Objective of this policy is to help the poor. उपकार Ex:  We cook chapati with the help of pliers. उ:   जैन कवियों की रचनाओं से कन्नड भाषा और साहित्य का बड़ा उपकार हुआ। उपकारण Ex:  The help arrived on the fourteenth day. उपघ्प Ex:  Biomarkers on body can help to find cancer. औलान Ex:  I got up in the morning with help of pip. जीवनाधार Ex:  Sorry, I can't help you . टिकोना, टिकौना Ex:  Get lost! I don't need your help . थंबन Ex:  Please help your grandmother out of the car . थेघ Ex:  May I help you? Sue: I'm just looking . धुराधुर Ex:  I can't ask John to help . पठंगा Ex:  John will need some help with this project . प्रस्कुंद Ex:  Although shipped into Africa mainly from Europe as free development help व्याश्रय Ex:  Mexico quickly gave help श्रिति Ex:  Yemo relied on the help of relatives to support her four children श्रुष्टि Ex:  The Emperors appealed to the west for help संस्तंभ Ex:  With the help of C. Harold Wills सभुपस्तंभ Ex:  French patronage did not help the Batashov Palace समुपष्टभ Ex:  Please, Ethel Merman, help me out this jam". सहायता करना Ex:  Lateralus and 10,000 Days were created with the help of Alex Grey. सहारा Ex:  The Somali Army was decimated and Somalia sought the help of the United States. उ:   सब मिलकर समस्त पेंदे को सहारा देते हैं। सह्यकर्म Ex:  Nehru sought Patel's help in winning the party over हस्तालंब Ex:  AIR in terms of Aeronautics, means the Party of the atmosphere where the man moves with the help of devices constructed and equipped for flight हस्तावलंब Ex:  All able-bodied citizens were requisitioned to help transport materials हस्र Ex:  Alone, In itself, without any help हितप्रवृत्त Ex:  Ami up the purse, Ami to make all kinds of services except help of his money
Other : आसंग Ex:  She called on her Representative to help her इमदाद Ex:  Stop idling, help me in my work. उपराला Ex:  Your so called friend will not help you. कुमक Ex:  `You must help me, she said imploringly सहाई Ex:  They requested the help of a British comic writer साहाय्य Ex:  But even with the help of fifteen British ships
Help ki paribhasha : vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho kisi ke kaaryasnpaadan men shaaririk ya aur kisi prakaar yog dena doosare ko aaraam pahuanchaane ki kriya
Help synonyms
advice use service support comfort hand benefit cooperation guidance balm nourishment corrective sustenance avail remedy lift maintenance utility cure succor helping hand worker colleague abettor auxiliary helper deputy servant assistant domestic aide helpmate representative partner collaborator subsidiary attendant supporter ally adjutant ancilla right-hand person bolster save serve encourage cooperate maintain back push further promote boost stimulate plug advocate befriend uphold intercede ballyhoo relieve cheer patronize accommodate second sustain sanction endorse hype puff prop buck up go to bat for be of use do a favor do a service go with lend a hand open doors root for see through stand by stick up for stump for work for do one's part take under one's wing restore ease revive treat alleviate facilitate mitigate palliate doctor amend heal better ameliorate
Help antonyms
hurt injury hindrance encumbrance obstruction prevention blockage disease counteraction harm ownership handicap check stop management antagonist enemy opponent manager boss hinder undermine refuse dissuade delay impede condemn conceal hide frustrate protest ignore disapprove injure decrease worsen neglect depress discourage halt oppose destroy increase accuse blame
Usage of Help in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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