Helpless meaning in hindi
As noun : बेचारा उ: वह बेचारा भूख से पीडित है।
मजबूर उ: अन्ततः सरकार को मजबूर होकर आयु सीमा पूर्ववत करनी पड़ी। मसकीन वपुरा
As adjective : अकिंचितकर Ex:  sages and saints help the helpless with the power of attainment of the supreme. अच्छम Ex:  everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it अपारक Ex:  we are helpless in the face of destiny. अप्रभु Ex:  New born childs are helpless असमर्थ Ex:  A helpless anger उ: कोई मूर्ति उसका स्वरूप व्यक्त करने में असमर्थ है। असहाई असहाई Ex:  After being too powerful for the harm he was helpless for the well असहाय Ex:  It also said figuratively of helpless people by some great ordeal उ: इस स्थिति में वह असहाय था। जेरदस्त Ex:  The government found itself therefore as helpless hit ज्ञानदुर्बल Ex:  This building, this boat is helpless he no longer governs दरमाँदा Ex:  épouser a helpless नाचार निःसहय निरसहाय निरीह बेबस महरो माजूर विकलकरुण
Other : अवश Ex:  The bombs screamed down on the helpless peasants . अशक्त Ex:  He is continually helpless in the face of his wife's numerous affairs अशरण Ex:  It is credible that they are indeed terrifying these helpless populations". कमजोर Ex:  It's a helpless उ: हालाँकि गणित विषय में वे कमजोर थे। निरवलंब निरालंब निराश्रय निरुपाय उ: अदाम तथा ईव्ह निरुपाय होकर स्वर्ग से बाहर कर दिए जाते हैं। निस्सहाय बिचारा बेसहारा मिस्कीन लाचार विवश उ: विवश हो कर घटोत्कच अलायुध से लड़ पड़ा।
Helpless ki paribhasha : jise sharir aadi par mamata na ho jo kisi baat ke liye prayatn na kare abhipretaarth ko vyakt karane men aksham
ExamplesHelpless synonyms
defenseless weak impotent disabled unprotected unable paralyzed forlorn destitute powerless abandoned debilitated dependent exposed feeble forsaken friendless inefficient inexpert infirm invalid prostrate shiftless unfit over a barrel basket-case handcuffed pinned tapped tapped out up creek without paddle with hands tied Helpless antonyms
powerful potent capable competent enterprising independent resourceful skilled strong fit secure Usage of Helpless in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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