Helplessness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Helplessness
As noun : असहायता Ex:  Jim takes control of the ship while Hands feigns helplessness
जिच्च निराश्रयता उ:   बेघर या निराश्रयता एक नियमित रूप से निवास के बिना लोगों की हालत है। बेकसी बेबसी
Other : असमर्थता Ex:  He showed his helplessness by shrugging the shoulders. असामर्थ्य Ex:  Above all it means living with a sense of helplessness . लाचारी
Helplessness synonyms
weakness disorder convalescence poor health powerlessness inability incapacity failure
Usage of Helplessness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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