Helter skelter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Helter skelter Examples
Helter skelter synonyms
headlong jumbled about any which way around disorderly hastily hit-or-miss hotfoot impetuously muddled random rashly recklessly topsy-turvy tumultous/tumultuous wildly cluttered anywise at random hurriedly in confusion incautiously incontinently randomly unmindfully arbitrary carelessly hit or miss slapdash hurry-scurry in disorder anyway haphazardly however nevertheless regardless willy-nilly at any rate in any case in any respect in any way in either way in one way or another in whatever way under any circumstances whatever happens whimsical wayward quirky unreasonable unpredictable fickle unstable flighty volatile impulsive erratic temperamental contrary crotchety effervescent every which way fanciful fitful flaky freakish inconstant kinky mercurial moody mutable odd picky punchy queer ticklish variable gaga lubricious notional any way the wind blows blowing hot and cold changeful humorsome up and down vagarious yo-yo lawless turbulent disorganized deranged disordered harum-scarum purposeless turbid uncontrolled anarchic rampageous aimless offhand casual desultory indiscriminate uncoordinated accidental chance devil-may-care fluke incidental loose slipshod spontaneous sudden unconcerned unconscious unexpected unorganized unpremeditated unthinking unconsidered unsystematic all over the map any old way designless unmethodical fitfully infrequently sporadically unevenly erratically occasionally off and on periodically uncommonly by turns at intervals by fits and starts disconnectedly eccentrically in snatches jerkily now and again out of sequence spasmodically uncertainly unmethodically unpunctually foolishly indiscreetly posthaste full tilt heedlessly precipitiously thoughtlessly anarchy chaos disarray ferment huddle pandemonium snarl turmoil upheaval ataxia foolhardy daring brash hasty audacious carefree negligent ill-advised imprudent adventurous breakneck daredevil desperate fast and loose feckless harebrained hopeless hotheaded inattentive inconsiderate madcap mindless precipitate temerarious venturesome adventuresome kooky overventuresome playing with fire uncareful rowdy unruly mutinous out of control rebellious violent insurrectionary tangled backward haywire mixed-up reversed bottom up bottom-side-up downside-up in chaos in disarray on head upended wrong way wrong-side-up desperately excitedly madly berserk crazily uncontrollably agitatedly amok franticly hectically hysterically involved messy miscellaneous mistaken misunderstood obscured out of order snafu blurred disarranged in a muddle miscalculated snarled upturned upset capsized
Helter skelter antonyms
carefully methodical organized straight systematic sensible predictable unchanging reliable stable cautious dependable staid steadfast reasonable constant steady thoughtful ordered calm harmonized normal quiet deliberate planned specific painstaking intentional definite particular designed thought-out evenly regularly cautiously organization discreet kind mindful meek timid prudent wise wary attentive afraid fearful shy reserved responsible obedient moderate right-side-up clearly calmly
Usage of Helter skelter in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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