Hemp meaning in hindi
As noun : गॉजा Ex:  Big canvas made of hemp tow
गोनी Ex:  Birds love the hemp निशावन Ex:  canvas made of hemp or linen yarn, sometimes mixed with cotton, smoothed and clamped पटुआ Ex:  Combing hemp भाँग का पौधा Ex:  Field which grows hemp भाँग Ex:  From the male hemp , the female hemp वृहत्पुष्पी Ex:  It bast hemp शणई Ex:  Put flax, hemp ret श्वेतपुष्पा Ex:  retting flax, hemp सण Ex:  The tillé hemp is stronger but less flexible than the crushed hemp सन का पौधा Ex:  This Arts said of the Lin and hemp that are soaked in water, so that the textile fiber can easily be separated from the woody part सन Ex:  Tortis usually hemp and sometimes made of cotton, wool, silk, tree bark, hair, horsehair, grass and other materials Folding and flexible उ: सन २००१ के अनुसार २५ लाख हुई।
Other : गाँजा Ex:  They used hemp and linen rags as a source of fibre. गांजा Ex:  Arts Place where the hemp is made ret उ: कैनबिस को मारिजुआना, गांजा और भांग के नामों से भी पुकारा जाता है। भंग Ex:  Corder hemp उ: प्रथम ड्यूमा को दो माह बाद भंग कर दिया गया। भांग Ex:  Grind hemp उ: भांग की ठण्डाई वैध है और सरवाधिक लोकप्रिय है। शण Ex:  Ordinate hemp bast, flax सनई Ex:  Wire, hemp cloth
Hemp ki paribhasha : gaaanje ki jaati ka ek prasiddh paudha jisaki pattiyaaan maadak hoti hain aur jinhen pisakar log nashe ke liye pite hain brahma ke chaar maanas putron men se ek maanasa- putr
ExamplesHemp synonyms
fiber marijuana cannabis hashish bang flax bhang jute fennel abaca manila ambary kef kif Usage of Hemp in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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