Henchman meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Henchman
As noun : अनुगामी पिछलगा
किंकर दक्षिण बाहु वफ़ादार सेवक वफादार समर्थक
Henchman ki paribhasha : seva karane ke liye vetan aadi par niyukt manushy —aage badh bola men prabhuvara, kinkarakar lega yah kaary
Henchman synonyms
help helper deputy aide partner subordinate coadjutor supporter accomplice stooge cohort abettor adjunct collaborator ally colleague adherent assistant backer accessory attendant companion appointee apprentice gofer bodyguard lackey servant hanger-on sidekick helpmate friend flunky backup secretary gal friday girl friday man friday yes-person coadjutant fellow worker hatchet man/woman right-hand man/woman right-hand person
Henchman antonyms
chief manager boss leader superior enemy foe adversary opponent antagonist detractor opposer master
Usage of Henchman in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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