Her meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Her
As noun : उसे Ex:  she shrugged her shoulders abjectly उ:   उसे हल्के हरे रंग में दिखाया गया है।
उस्की Ex:  Most of her arguments sounded invalid.. तिआस Ex:  She keeps her corneas clean. तिसु Ex:  She shirks her duties
Other : आपन Ex:  Isabel is submitted the synopsis of her thesis. उस की Ex:  Grandmother dotes on her the twins उस स्त्री को Ex:  He remarked at her disrespectfully. उसका[स्त्री Ex:  She stopped biting her nails.
Usage of Her in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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