Here meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Here
As noun : अर्वाक Ex:  The two paths diverge here
The lines start to diverge here
इठे Ex:  Money reigns supreme here इत्थाँ, इत्थुँपु, इत्थेपु Ex:  Hibiscus cuttings are planted here इथ Ex:  Come here this instant. इधर Ex:  Hes only here on sufferance. उ:   इधर एकांकी नाटकों का विशेष प्रचार हुआ है। इस जगह Ex:  The water here tastes like brine. इस तरङ Ex:  i have been rummaging here for last three days. इस वक्त Ex:  There is a little kiosk here where you can get all you want. ईहाँ Ex:  Today most of the skinhead are roaming here and there. उत्थाँ Ex:  He arrieved there shortly. ऊरे Ex:  The banks here need a levee. ऊला Ex:  The viewers are here by informed that there will be a pre-recorded interview with P.M. in the evening. यहाँ Ex:  They jetted from here to there . उ:   यहाँ तो केवल व्यावसायिक फिल्में ही जगह पाती हैं । वैलि Ex:  Those guys aren't here . हिँयवैँ Ex:  Speak of the devil, here comes Bill . हिँयाँ Ex:  Between here and the Ottawa River
As adverb : इत्थाँ, इत्थुँपु, इत्थेपु Ex:  Hibiscus cuttings are planted here इस दशा में Ex:  The muck here has created many diseases in the people. इस स्थान पर Ex:  I looked at here in perplexity. यहां Ex:  They jetted to here from there . उ:   यहां विश्वसनीयता खत्म , तो दूकान बंद । यहॉ Ex:  Well, we finally got here . उ:   यहॉ शक्कर उद्योग भी हैं।
Other : इत Ex:  He came here yesterday. उ:   भाजि देश उतकौ इत आयौ, ताहि बासु बन बीच बसायौ। इह Ex:  His uncle arrived here yesterday from States. उ:   ॐ इह गावो निषीदन्तु, इहाश्वा इह पूरुषाः।
Here synonyms
attending attendant hither present available hereabouts hitherto in this direction on board on deck on hand on this spot on-the-spot within reach
Here antonyms
Usage of Here in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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