Heritage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Heritage
As noun : इलाहीमुहर Ex:  These songs are a major part of Albania's music heritage
उच्चटा Ex:  Combining the heritage of the German Habsburgs उत्तराधिकार Ex:  Because of the country's colonial heritage उ:   यह एक उत्तराधिकार सन्दूकों का समूह है । कुलधन Ex:  Rome's medieval heritage is one of the largest in Italian cities. तरीक Ex:  There is a festival called Fiesta that celebrates the heritage of the Isleños. तहबील Ex:  Spain is known for its culturally diverse heritage दाय मीरास Ex:  The Moorish heritage in Spain धरोहर Ex:  Because of its historic heritage उ:   दोनों ही अब विश्व धरोहर स्थल हैं। परंपरा Ex:  The hotels retain their Canadian Pacific heritage उ:   विद्यापति की परंपरा मिथिला में भी चली। परम्परा Ex:  They developed a distinct cultural heritage उ:   उपनिषद् गुरु-शिष्य परम्परा के आदर्श उदाहरण हैं। पारोवर्य Ex:  Cash was completely of Scottish heritage पितृद्रव्य Ex:  West Virginia's folk heritage is a part of the Appalachian folk music tradition पित्रार्जित Ex:  Due to its Roman heritage पैतृक संपत्ति Ex:  A unique heritage of medieval art पैतृक सम्पति Ex:  Italy's vast artistic heritage includes the achievements of Michelangelo मीरास Ex:  These are Hassaniya-speaking tribes of mixed Arab-Berber heritage रिक्थदाय Ex:  The Arawak heritage is stronger on Aruba than on most Caribbean islands. वदीअत Ex:  Stuttgart is known for its strong cultural heritage विरासत Ex:  The Baul tradition is a unique heritage of Bangla folk music उ:   यह विरासत कई स्तरों पर विद्यमान होती है। व्यपाश्रय Ex:  Bangladesh also has an active heritage in North Indian classical music. समाम्नाय Ex:  Italian folk music is an important part of the country's musical heritage
Other : दाय Ex:  Cultural resources management also called heritage management in Britain उ:   विश्व दाय स्थल होने के कारण यह सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त तक खुला रहता है। बपौती Ex:  They share a unique heritage in which African traditions of food
Heritage ki paribhasha : daayaje, daan aadi men diya jaanevaala dhan vah dhan snpatti jo kisi ke marane par usake uttaraadhikaari ko mile kisi ke marane ke pichhe usake dhanaadi ka svatv vah vastu ya dravy jo kisi ke paas is vishvaas par rakha ho ki usaka svaami jab maaangega tab vah de diya jaayaga ek ke pichhe doosara aisa kram visheshataः kaalakram
Heritage synonyms
right custom culture legacy ancestry birthright fashion lot estate inheritance endowment share portion patrimony convention bequest dowry heirship
Heritage antonyms
Usage of Heritage in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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