Heroine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Heroine
As noun : अभिनेट्री Ex:  The villian followed the heroine with provience in that scene.
आबाल Ex:  A scene was shot where the hero makes overtures to the heroine नायिका Ex:  We extolled her as a heroine . उ:   इन चारों में ही उनकी नायिका नरगिस थीं। बहादुर औरत Ex:  She had been the heroine of her country at 17 and died when only 19 years old. वीर स्त्री Ex:  Mitford became Rowling's heroine वीरांगना Ex:  It is a heroine उ:   वे एक वीरांगना एवं साहसी महिला थीं।
Heroine ki paribhasha : roopa-guna-snpann stri
Heroine synonyms
female celebrity actress protagonist leading lady martyr legend idol conqueror star champion ace demigoddess
Heroine antonyms
loser hero
Usage of Heroine in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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