Herring meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Herring
As noun : इलीश, इलीष Ex:  Some of these species are herring
इल्लिश, इल्लिस Ex:  Cod and herring were mainstays among the northern population राजसफर Ex:  Desalt cod, herring शपराधिप Ex:  Encaquer herring हिलसा मछली Ex:  herring salad हेरिंग Ex:  Its their cod, herring
Other : एक प्रकार की मछली Ex:  A keg of herring हिलसा Ex:  It specifically refers to the Charter which are used for fishing herring उ:   हिलसा - यह नालन्दा जिले का एक अनुमन्डल है।
Herring ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki machhali jo chipati aur bahut kaaantedaar hoti hai
Usage of Herring in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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