Hibernation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hibernation
As noun : अकर्मशील Ex:  he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years
अप्रखर Ex:  Immediately after waking from hibernation the mating instinct starts up. आरामतलब Ex:  They are definitely well rested and are conserving energy during hibernation कमरटूटा जडक्रिय जड़क्रिया जिह्मगामी थेंथर निर्यत्न निष्प्रयत्न विरुग्ण शिक्कु शीत निष्क्रियता शीत निष्‍क्रियता शीतनिद्रा उ:   इस क्रिया को शीतनिद्रा या शीतसुषुप्तावस्था कहते हैं। शीतनिष्क्रयता शीतनिष्‍क्रियता सुस्त उ:   पशु सुस्त होकर चारा छोड़ देता है। सोच्छ्वास स्तीम
Hibernation ki paribhasha : chinta ya lajja aadi ke kaaran nistej
Hibernation synonyms
sluggishness torpidity lethargy slouch truancy dormancy slothfulness loafing torpor leisure inertia trifling stupor shiftlessness slowness indolence laze dawdling unemployment droning dilly-dallying goof-off time joblessness lazing loitering otiosity own sweet time pottering time to burn time to kill time-wasting vegetating time on one's hands coma slumber dream trance nod catnap repose doze rest siesta snooze dullness forty winks sandman bedtime sack time slumberland few z's flora verdure listlessness growth greenery verdancy herbage stagnation land of nod the arms of morpheus
Hibernation antonyms
vigor diligence energy activity life liveliness action ambition busyness employment hustle industry labor occupation work consciousness awakening wakefulness
Usage of Hibernation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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