Hide out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hide out
As noun : छिपने का स्थान Ex:  , Make velvet paw, hide out in caressing power or purpose we harm
छिपने की जगह समुपह्वर
Hide out synonyms
stow stash plant cache secure shroud veil screen whitewash cover stonewall withhold disguise paper deposit seclude ensconce harbor ditch bury finesse squirrel palm cover up keep quiet keep secret keep to oneself keep under wraps stash away sweep under rug despise disdain eschew refuse snub reject scorn neglect dodge shy cut decline shake double escape bilk evade elude stall duck shake off palm off pass up cold-shoulder get around give a wide berth give the runaround have no part of have nothing to do with keep away from keep clear of stand aloof from stay shy of steer clear of turn back on blind hideaway covering mask privacy camouflage secretion front curtain obliteration cover-up beard red herring smoke screen occultation laundromat dissimulation fig leaf hide-out obscuration hole angle recess cavity nook cranny indentation compartment retreat
Hide out antonyms
uncover disregard ignore let go expose lay bare let out open reveal take out tell fill pour in admire cherish sanction confront like love approve accept allow encounter face meet take on disclosure revelation divulgence exposition showing telling
Usage of Hide out in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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