Hiding place meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hiding place
As noun : गुप्त स्थान Ex:  He had a hiding place where we found his silver
छिपने की जगह समुपह्वर
Hiding place synonyms
deception camouflage shelter concealment trick trap lurking pitfall ambuscade hiding waylaying waiting ambushment hideout wealth repository treasure nest egg stash stockpile hoard plant drop assets stake kitty fund shade treasury supplies accumulation store reserve storehouse drop-off drop joint heart cranny hollow dent cubicle depression slot angle closet cavity nook cell crutch fork opening alcove break mouth hole bay indentation crypt reaches carrel embrasure penetralia depths oriel socket apse secret place stronghold sanctuary hideaway resort protection fortress security asylum haven shield covert escape home port stopgap makeshift exit immunity preserve outlet recourse resource anchorage expedient ivory tower way out harborage safe place retirement habitat convent privacy hermitage solitude haunt defense ark cloister seclusion adytum port in a storm safe haven
Hiding place antonyms
frankness honesty bulge misfortune continuation solid closure permanent entrance coming advance arrival
Usage of Hiding place in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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