High pitched meaning in hindi
As adjective : ऊँचा[आवाज Ex:  Pope describes Nelson's voice as high pitched and nasally.
तेज़ उ: लेकिन पिछले कुछ सालों से मृत सागर तेज़ गति से सिमट रहा है। बहुत ढालू ऊँचा या आवाज
Other : तार Ex:  Their calls are generally high pitched whistles and squawks उ: तभी बिजली की तार गिर जाती है और उसकी मौत हो जाती है। तीव्र उ: तीव्र संक्रामक अपने प्रसार के लिए तीव्र संक्रमण दर पर भरोसा करते हैं।
ExamplesHigh pitched synonyms
acute clarion sharp rank soprano loud malodorous penetrating putrid rancid smelly strident reeking earsplitting blaring fierce biting painful shooting stabbing excruciating freezing agonizing keen thin deafening roaring bitter arctic cold exquisite frosty powerful raw severe stentorian wintry knifelike shattering racking numbing stentorious High pitched antonyms
low-pitched soft lowly stunted worthless dishonorable unimportant upset dwarfed short inferior mean depressed down sober weak kind pleasant calm stupid unintelligent indefinite slow blunt dull Usage of High pitched in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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