High principled meaning in hindi
As noun :
सम्मानित उ: सन् १९६३ ई. में "पद्म भूषण' से सम्मानित हुए।
ExamplesHigh principled synonyms
scrupulous responsible honest strict high-minded incorruptible just pious straightforward conscionable high-principled proper humane clean correct decent elevated equitable fair fitting good kosher noble respectable square upright upstanding christian moralistic true blue sincere illustrious trustworthy righteous distinguished acclaimed celebrated chivalrous dependable eminent faithful forthright honored notable sterling truthful unstained knightly law-abiding esteemed of good repute on the up-and-up solid positive safe steady predictable stable decisive strong candid careful certain constant definite determined devoted firm impeccable loyal okay proved sound staunch steadfast sure tried tried-and-true true-blue trusty unequivocal unfailing unimpeachable there true-hearted renowned well-known prominent creditable estimable excellent famed famous favored legitimate popular high-ranking in high favor redoubted salt of the earth well-thought-of dedicated pure confirmed liege ardent dutiful resolute unaffected unfeigned unswerving up front wholehearted allegiant veridical no lie on the up and up truehearted undistorted accurate credible direct factual frank genuine on the level open valid like it is on the line straight-arrow undeceptive wholesome blameless celibate chaste effective effectual efficient exemplary guiltless inculpable praiseworthy regular spotless unsullied untarnished irreprehensible untainted clean-living in the clear without reproach rightful High principled antonyms
untrustworthy inexact irresponsible unscrupulous dishonest immoral unjust careless uncareful unconscientious corrupt vulgar unethical improper unrighteous lowly unknown deceptive unreliable devious bad evil unsuitable inadequate unreal intermittent undependable vulnerable indefinite uncertain unsure unstable unsteady wobbly fraudulent soft broken unfixed weak false unrespectable unimportant disreputable notorious obscure common ordinary unrespected apathetic disloyal inconstant unfaithful changeable irresolute undecided unfair counterfeit deceitful faithless hateful treacherous flexible loose wavering invalid cheating untrue sinful vile wicked unkind Usage of High principled in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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