Hoar meaning in hindi
As noun : अवंश्याय
धूसर उ: इन पशुओं का रंग सफेद और धूसर होता है। निर्जाड्य निशाजल पाला उ: सबके जी में यही है कि पाला हमी पहले छू लें। बूढ़ा रजनीजल सफेद बाल का हस्तिमल्ल हिँवार हिमगर हिमझटि हिमिका
Hoar ki paribhasha : jisapar kuchh likha ya chihn na ho matile rng ki koi vastu anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho sima nirdishth karane ke liye mitti ka uthaaya hua med ya chhota bhita
ExamplesHoar synonyms
chilly icy wintry frigid glacial arctic cool frozen gelid nippy shivery antarctic ice-capped icicled rimy freeze hoarfrost Hoar antonyms
friendly responsive amicable hot warm heated Usage of Hoar in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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