Hoity toity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hoity toity Examples
Hoity toity synonyms
arrogant dizzy flighty giddy pretentious silliness thoughtless derisive unsympathetic averse aloof contemptuous antipathetic cavalier cool egotistic indifferent insolent lordly overbearing proud sneering supercilious superior uppity contemning despising high-and-mighty rejecting repudiating scouting toplofty imperious snobbish assuming conceited detached distant overweening reserved scornful snotty egotistical on high horse sniffy cocky high-handed highfalutin presumptuous stuffy condescending pompous la-di-da on a high horse ostentatious patronizing snippy vain big-headed nose in the air puffed up too big for one's britches affected bloated boastful bombastic flatulent flaunting flowery fustian grandiloquent grandiose high-flown important inflated magisterial magniloquent narcissistic orotund overblown pontifical portentous puffy rhetorical self-centered self-important selfish showy sonorous turgid vainglorious windy highfaluting
Hoity toity antonyms
meek loving respectful humble shy sympathetic favoring praising esteemable timid friendly
Usage of Hoity toity in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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