Hold over meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hold over
As verb :
अतिधारण करना Ex:  He is losing his hold over his empire . अधिधारण करना Ex:  He tightened his hold over political life अवधि से परे धारण करना आस्थगित करना बेँड़ना रोक देना
Hold over synonyms
defer recess discontinue suspend curb restrain hold up prorogue hold off obstruct restrict bar detain prevent withhold prolong stall impede hamper block keep clog temporize tarry dilly-dally dawdle table protract check inhibit repress procrastinate arrest confine filibuster lag discourage deter drag interfere retard slacken linger choke encumber loiter stave off remand intermit bide time gain time keep back lay over pigeonhole cool it give a rain check hang fire put back put on back burner put on hold dillydally poke trail reschedule drag one's feet hover go on stop live endure stand persist last prevail survive wait reside perch freeze squat bunk visit abide cling lodge dwell inhabit halt nest outlast pause sojourn outlive sit tight bivouac roost be left hang out hold the fort keep on make camp remain standing sit out sit through stay behind stay in stay over stay put stick around recite rehash reiterate echo renew imitate relate recapitulate chime redo recur reform rehearse reciprocate return quote reconstruct revolve ditto revert reappear reproduce recrudesce rework drum into reoccur replay reissue rerun reprise refashion recast ingeminate retell remake come again go over again make like occur again play back play over read back resay reshow run over sing same old song preserve protect retrieve liberate extricate release recover salvage recapture ransom regain disentangle disembarrass spring unloose deliver emancipate redeem unleash retain manumit safeguard conserve get out bail one out get off the hook get out of hock give a break pull out of the fire save life of set free waive dismiss scrub drop sideline tie up mothball give up hang up lay aside put aside put on ice slow up hinder interrupt ward off
Hold over antonyms
expedite hasten hurry carry out convene convoke further stimulate urge advance forward continue do begin encourage keep on open rally aid assist release permit unblock complete liberate speed help promote support free let go allow abandon finish push rush leave dispatch persevere maintain accomplish achieve succeed cease discontinue lie die carry on move depart forge destroy stop harm injure limit restrain forfeit imprison imperil hurt give hold lose spend go ahead facilitate
Usage of Hold over in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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