Honk meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Honk
As noun : काँ काँ करना Ex:  Ears honk me
काँ काँ Ex:  The ears honk me पों पों Ex:  The ears honk you Someone who is told almost hear what is not said, or a noise that is not real हंस के काँव काँव करने की आवाज हर्न बजाना
Other : भोंपू बजाना Ex:  , Ears honk if you told someone who seems to hear what is not said, or noise which is not real भोंपू
Honk ki paribhasha : hin
Honk synonyms
beep blare sound blast blow tootle blow the horn sound one's horn
Usage of Honk in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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