Honoured meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Honoured
As noun : आदृत Ex:  The participants of the badminton tournament were honoured by the principal.
आस्थेय Ex:  For his achievements in computing, various universities have honoured him. उदंचित Ex:  Richelieu remains an honoured personality in France प्रविख्यात Ex:  Bath has honoured her name with the Jane Austen Centre and a city walk. सभाजित Ex:  The colony's new name honoured the fourth son of King George III
As verb : सत्कृत Ex:  Darwin was honoured by being elected as Fellow of the Royal Society. उ:   कश्मीरी कवि विल्हण को भी उसने सत्कृत किया था।
Other : आद्वत Ex:  Tesla is honoured in Serbia and Croatia गुरू Ex:  Manuel was never honoured with the title of Augustus by the Popes. उ:   यह सुनकर गुरू रामसिंह के शिष्य भड़क गये। समादृत Ex:  Schumacher has been honoured during his career. उ:   गुजरात के राजदरबारों में भी ब्रजभाषा के कवि समादृत रहे। सम्मानित Ex:  Though highly honoured for his artistic accomplishments उ:   वर्ष १९७३ में पद्म श्री से सम्मानित किये गए।
Usage of Honoured in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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