Hoot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hoot
As noun : उल्लू की बोली Ex:  He was greeted by a long hoot
घुघुआना घुघुवाना भोंपू की आवाज शौरगुल हर्न देना हो हल्ला
Hoot ki paribhasha : anunya, krodha, avashy hi, nishchay hi aadi athon tatha paadapoorti ke roop men prayuvat avyay billi ki tarah gurraana
Hoot synonyms
jeer boo whistle hiss heckle scream howl scorn razz catcall scoff at shout down
Usage of Hoot in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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