Horn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Horn
As noun : कीडे की भूंक Ex:  They were forced to compete with louder horn instruments
कीड़े की भूंक Ex:  Haydn , and the horn player Joseph Leutgeb. खड़ी का प्रक्षिप्त भाग Ex:  Bands are typically divided into horn and rhythm sections चन्द्रशिखा Ex:  Although the ice limit dips south around the horn प्रक्षिप्त भाग Ex:  Armstrong gained fame as a horn player बखाँन Ex:  A horn input बिसान Ex:  A hunting horn भोंपू Ex:  Also said that the Air the horn sounds when decouples the dogs उ:   लोग मोर को पसंद करते हैं और मोर जंगल का भोंपू भी होता है। विषाण Ex:  Cornet, French horn Sort of which are adapted pistons that press the running विषाणक Ex:  DAGUER SE says Goats who hit horn blows शृंग Ex:  emboucher trumpet, horn उ:   इसकी पीठकाली तथा शृंग तीक्ष्ण हैं। श्रुंग Ex:  Give some something the consistency of the horn श्रृंग Ex:  He said specifically of a wind instrument, also called CORNET and usually made of a horn उ:   श्रृंग ऋषि के आश्रम स्थल को श्रृंगेश्‍वर के नाम से जाना जाता था। सिंगुल Ex:  He said, by extension , articles made of horn सींग का बना हुआ वस्तु Ex:  Hunting Exciter horn and voice सींग से मारना Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art, Javart gored, Javart that comes in the horn of the horse सींग Ex:  In Under Music, Give the horn Playing the trumpet उ:   यद्यपि मादाएं मे भी सींग विकसित हो सकती है। सींगड़ा Ex:  It has aged in this direction; a horn is said rather Make a book
Other : नरसिंघा Ex:  Clipper ships sailed round the horn carrying wool
Horn ki paribhasha : phooankakar bajaaya jaanevaala ek prakaar ka sing ka baaja go, bhainsa, bakari aadi ke sir ke sing turahi ki tarah ka ek prakaar ka nal ke aakaar ka taaanbe ka bad baaja jo phooankakar bajaaya jaata hai khuravaale kuchh pashuon ke sir ke donon or shaakha ke samaan nikale hue kade nukile avayav jinase ve aakraman karate hain
Horn synonyms
buzzer signal cry alert whistle warning caution gong bell clock flash tip shout call forewarning flap nod blast squeal drum scramble wink yell scream high sign sos mayday tip off smack collide shove buck poke knock bump toss thrust punch buffet push batter bunt strike prod jab hook gore run into beaker jug vial urn chalice decanter canteen crock glass retort jar ewer noggin bag bottle fiasco flagon crystal carafe demijohn alembic goblet gourd cruet ampulla caster tumbler phial flacon flasket snout muzzle snoot proboscis bill nares nostrils adenoids schnoz snuffer sniffer sneezer whiffer olfactory nerves smeller fork point spine tine spur nib knob spike rack instrument clarion shophar end apex tooth fold peak corner angle
Horn antonyms
calmness composure repose assurance confidence peace quietness security dissuade tap pull discourage nadir bottom
Usage of Horn in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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