Horny meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Horny
As noun : कामोत्तेजित Ex:  This bill is composed of several horny plates
स्मरभासित Ex:  It also means Straighten what is horny
As adjective : सींग का Ex:  Hard and horny substance सींग के सदृश Ex:  He horny this new throughout the city सींग संबन्धी Ex:  He said in general beetles, insects whose wings are covered by horny cases
Horny synonyms
concupiscent desiring hard up hot lascivious libidinous lustful passionate randy hot to trot oversexed turned on
Usage of Horny in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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