Horsepower meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Horsepower
As noun : अश् Ex:  Machine twenty, thirty horses machine whose strength equivalent to twenty to thirty horsepower
अश्वशक्ति उ:   अश्वशक्ति के कई मानक हैं और कई प्रकार भी हैं। उतना जोर जिससे ५५ पौंड एक सेकंड में दस फुट उठाया जा सके हर्सपवर हर्सपावर
Other : अश्वबल Ex:  A horse crossbow, One horse attached to both drawbar horsepower of a car
Horsepower synonyms
strength service electricity heat potential reaction pressure burn gravity friction steam current juice magnetism application response dynamism rays wattage radioactivity voltage kilowatts conductivity violence effort enforcement fury clout strain speed arm impact impetus coercion sock brunt sinew draft conscription compulsion might exaction duress vigor tension punch impulse trouble extortion stress potency stimulus stuff momentum push velocity muscle subjection pains constrait full head of steam strong arm what it takes weight intensity puissance omnipotence brawn vim forcefulness virtue applied force mechanical energy thrust drive
Horsepower antonyms
lack idleness inactivity laziness lethargy tiredness question peace happiness hindrance weakness relaxation incompetence passivity powerlessness ease discouragement inability incapacity debility disability impairment infirmity inefficiency surrender impotence subservience yielding pull
Usage of Horsepower in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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