Hospitable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hospitable
As adjective :
अतिथि पूजक Ex:  soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth आतिथ्यकारी Ex:  hospitable Mansion ग्राह् य Ex:  The Knights of Malta are hospitable religious पथिक का आदर करने वाला Ex:  This is a very hospitable man मेहमान नवाज़ Ex:  , a hospitable roof, a protective roof, A house where hospitality is received, where we find a refuge मेहमानदार Ex:  , This is the house of God means a hospitable house open to all the world The house of God Church मेहमाननवाज मेहमानवाज सत्कार करने वाला सत्कार शील सत्कारशील
Hospitable synonyms
congenial courteous friendly neighborly
Hospitable antonyms
incompatible unfriendly unsociable cold
Usage of Hospitable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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