Hostage meaning in hindi
As noun : गिरो Ex:  Silver takes Jim hostage
जमानत में दिया हुआ आदमी Ex:  Boccaccio fills in the history before the hostage exchange as follows. बंधक व्यक्ति Ex:  After the hostage exchange is agreed बंधक Ex:  Sieges in present day are more commonly either smaller hostage उ: इन सभी को बंधक बना लिया गया। शरीरबन्धक Ex:  Give hostage
Other : ओल Ex:  The troubles culminated in 1988 with a bloody hostage taking in Ouvéa. बन्धक Ex:  By extension, the enemies became hostage give cities
Hostage ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ya praani ka kisi doosare ke paas jamaanat men us samay tak ke liye rahana jab tak us doosare vyakti ko kuchh rupaya na diya jaay ya usaki koi shart na poori ki jaay kokashaastr ke anusaar strisnbhog ka koi aasan
ExamplesHostage synonyms
prisoner victim scapegoat pledge pawn earnest token security surety guaranty sacrificial lamb Hostage antonyms
captor Usage of Hostage in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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