Hostess meaning in hindi
As noun : अतिथि सत्कारिणी Ex: The hostess provided lunch for all the guests
कुटकारिका Ex: I had to apologize to the hostess . परिचारिका Ex: Absolutely, A hostess must know cut परिचारिणी Ex: Day Day reception , the day a hostess receives her friends भटियारिन Ex: The hostess is admirable to ensure grain मेहमानदारिन Ex: The hostess is always after her domestic वह स्त्री जो पथिकों का सत्कार करती है Ex: This accomplished hostess takes care of every detail of the household सत्कारिणी सैरंध्रिका
Other : आतिथेयी Ex: The hostess gave an amused smile to all the guests.
ExamplesHostess synonyms
lady of the house m.c. emcee mistress of ceremonies mistress of the household toastmistress Usage of Hostess in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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