Hotheaded meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hotheaded
As noun : अभ्यसुय Ex:  I perceive Randy as sort of hotheaded .
अमरखी कोहन क्रोधन क्रोधालु क्रोधी चंड़ तमोंध तमोमंय तुदंखू पित्तेदार फाड़खाऊ ‡ मषार
Hotheaded ki paribhasha : sngit men gndhaar svar ki do shrutiyon men se antim shruti
Hotheaded synonyms
hot-tempered excitable explosive impetuous passionate rash touchy volatile easily provoked short-fused
Usage of Hotheaded in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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