Hotly meaning in hindi
As noun : उत्तेजनापूर्वक Ex:  What information should be provided in such programs is hotly contested
As adverb :
गुस्से से Ex:  The very existence of the treaty is hotly disputed प्रचंडता से Ex:  These questions have been hotly debated over the following centuries
Other : क्रोध से Ex:  This issue is still being hotly debated
ExamplesHotly synonyms
madly violently fiercely sharply savagely tempestuously wildly heatedly bitterly indignantly crisply crossly in anger infuriatedly irately irritably testily passionately eagerly frantically erratically tensely breathlessly apprehensively excitably feverishly frenziedly hysterically restlessly uncontrollably uncontrolledly strongly quickly intensely energetically rapidly Hotly antonyms
mildly calmly softly quietly gently Usage of Hotly in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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