Huddled meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Huddled
As noun : इकठाईं Ex:  The children huddled up together to keep warm .
इकठैन Ex:  They huddled up to keep warm . इकठोर Ex:  fearfully huddled in a corner एकटा Ex:  , This patient has all huddled in bed एकत्र उ:   जिसमें पानी जड़ों के पास एकत्र न होने पाए। गृहित विरूर संभृत सन्निपातित सहशय्या
Huddled ki paribhasha : jisamen mndlaakaar chihn ya ghere bane hon
Huddled synonyms
crouch gather confer converge cluster cuddle consult snuggle throng hug crowd parley powwow herd nestle mass press flock bunch curl up draw together hunch up press close
Huddled antonyms
disperse scatter divide separate spread cancel
Usage of Huddled in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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