Hump meaning in hindi
As noun : उभार Ex:  Harry is over the hump now . उ: इसके सींग में छल्लों जैसे उभार होते हैं।
ऊठ Ex:  After rolling his hump in कुबड़ा Ex:  Rolling his hump is said of people who led a risky existence, which have gone through all sorts of countries and makes all kind of trades कूबड Ex:  See above his hump Roll कूबढ्ॅअ Ex:  The hump of a camel, a bison कूबड़ उठाना या प्रयास करना Ex:  , Make the big back, said the Cats when they come back hump मिट्टी का टीला रूढ़ि लादना संभोग करना स्तनतट
Other : ककुद Ex:  Have a hump in front, a bump from behind ककुद् Ex:  Having the bump music, the hump of theft, etc कुबडा Ex:  In terms of sculpture, works round hump कूबर Ex:  The nasal hump उ: साउथ ऑस्ट्रेलिया में कूबर पेडी शहर ओपल का एक मुख्य स्रोत है।
Hump ki paribhasha : kisi chij par bahut si vastuean rakhana
ExamplesHump synonyms
knob protrusion ridge hunch bulge protuberance prominence mound dune bump excrescence elevation eminence hill kyphosis hummock knap tumescence gibbosity convexity convexedness knurl Hump antonyms
flat ditch depression unimportance Usage of Hump in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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