Hunch meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hunch
As noun : अंतर्ज्ञान उ:   शेलिंग अंतर्ज्ञान की सार्थकता भी स्वीकार करता है।
कूबड कूबड़ प्रातिभ
Other : गांठ
Hunch ki paribhasha : puraanaanusaar un paaanch prakaar ke upasagon ya vidhnon men se ek prakaar ka vidhn jo yogiyon ke yog men hua karata hai kisi khadi chij ke oopari bhaag ko tedha karake niche ki aur laana
Hunch synonyms
instinct premonition intuition inkling impression foreboding augury portent anticipation hint precognition forecast foreknowledge suspicion glimmer presage forewarning qualm expectation misgiving clue presentiment apprehension thought notion funny feeling preconceived notion prescience auguration forewisdom omination preapprehension prenotation prenotice presagement feeling in one's bones stoop huddle squat lean hump curve bow tense bend arch draw in draw together scrooch down
Hunch antonyms
knowledge reality reason trust proof truth straighten stand
Usage of Hunch in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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