Hurdle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hurdle
Other : बाधा डालना रुकावट उ:   एक क्षेत्र एक साथ कम रुकावट तथा सम्पूर्ण रुकावट वाला हो सकता है।
Hurdle ki paribhasha : baaans ki phattiyon, sarakndon aadi ko paraspar jodkar banaaya hua dhaaancha jo aad, rok ya raksha ke liye daravaaje, baraamade athava aur kisi khule sthaan men lagaaya jaata hai baaans ki phattiyon, sarakndon aadi ko paraspar jodkar banaaya hua dhaaancha rassi, baala, soot aadi ka gera jisamen padkar koi vastu bandh jaay
Hurdle synonyms
complication stumbling block handicap snag difficulty impediment hindrance mountain traverse fence blockade rub interference obstruction barricade hedge hamper wall surmount conquer lick spring bound bounce negotiate down lop scale master hop vault clear overcome saltate jump across leap over
Hurdle antonyms
advantage aid assistance ease peace help opening clear path surrender permit yield allow
Usage of Hurdle in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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