Hurtful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hurtful
As noun : घस्र Ex:  figuratively, he said hurtful or slanderous About
As adjective : दु Ex:  hurtful Words नुकसान पहुंचानेवाला Ex:  It also means Who is adverse, hostile, hurtful
Other : हानिकारक. हानिकारक उ:   प्याज शीतऋतु की फसल है किन्तु अधिक शीत हानिकारक होती है।
Hurtful ki paribhasha : do shabd ka snkshipt roop jo samaas banaane ke kaam men aata hai svaasthy men truti ya baadha pahuanchaanevaala
Hurtful synonyms
distressing unkind upsetting dangerous malicious pernicious harmful prejudicial detrimental nasty destructive damaging bad cutting deadly deleterious disadvantageous evil mean mischievous nocuous noxious ominous poisonous spiteful aching afflictive hurting wounding
Hurtful antonyms
friendly kind helpful assisting beneficial harmless safe aiding helping nice relieving
Usage of Hurtful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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