Hush hush meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतद् धनि
अंतधनि अंतर्दधान अदेख अनखुला अनरहस आंतर खफी गुझी गुप्त उ: इसके अधिक्तर जानकारिया गुप्त कर दी गई है। गुहय गूता गूप गैबाना गोपि चोरगढ़ा निभृत निहाँ पिनहाँ मदफून मोरिका रुपोश लोकपरोक्ष विंनय संछन्न सन्निभृत सीक्रेट
Hush hush ki paribhasha : padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain
ExamplesHush hush synonyms
classified closet dark restricted sub-rosa under-the-table illicit fraudulent hidden artful foxy illegitimate sneaky in holes and corners on the q. t. on the quiet under-the-counter secluded retired reticent secretive silent taciturn tight-lipped buttoning up clamming up close-lipped tight chops unforthcoming buttoning one's lip mum's the word zipping one's lips sedate buttoned up clammed up dummied up have tight chops zipped one's lips covered camouflaged veiled buried guarded screened masked obscure obscured incognito inconspicuous recondite ulterior unseen planted secreted cached enshrouded stashed covered up holed up hushed up perdu put in the hole tucked away intimate arcane inside backdoor cloaked disguised sub rosa unsuspected qt dissembled surreptitiously clandestinely privately slyly wildcat by stealth furtively in camera on the qt on the sly stealthily calculating cautious circumspect crafty creepy cunning elusive evasive insidious scheming shifty tricky underhanded wily guileful conspiratorial skulking slinking ambiguous tactful equivocal wary neutral discreet judicious careful vague indefinite middle-of-the-road politic reserved restrained tentative constrained incommunicable even-steven middle-ground on-the-fence temporizing unrevealing unofficial in private not for publication not public independent separate individual exclusive special particular own behind the scenes nonpublic not open close to one's chest under one's hat personal undisclosed mysterious unknown occult mystic deep abstruse cryptic esoteric mystical out-of-the-way strange unenlightened unintelligible clouded unfrequented unpublished enigmatical backstairs dissimulated in ambush unacknowledged under false pretense quietly personally confidentially intimately obscurely behind closed doors in confidence in secret in strict confidence insidiously privily under the table underhandedly unobserved behind someone's back peace reticence stillness lull secrecy blackout calm taciturnity quietude censorship dumbness uncommunicativeness quiescence death sleep quietus sulk sullenness muteness laconism dead air inarticulateness iron curtain saturninity cut off muzzle subdue muffle gag quell quash suppress squelch stifle dampen deaden extinguish dull cut short shut up overawe tongue-tie choke off clam up close up cool it decrease the volume dry up dummy up keep it down pipe down quiet down say nothing sit on strike dumb hold one's tongue hush one's mouth catlike catty feline subversive sunken underfoot below ground unauthorized hole-and-corner aloof distant retiring standoffish unapproachable unresponsive unsociable close-mouthed dried up intelligence underneath experimental revolutionary alternative avant-garde radical resistant unbowed unconventional unusual resistive crooked deceptive devious dishonest dishonorable duplicitous indirect oblique shady slippery treacherous two-faced two-timing unethical unfair unjust unscrupulous dirty-dealing double-crossing mitigate palliate moderate tone down euphemize blue-pencil put on the soft pedal supersecret under security restrictions hidden away kept concealed with a lid on intriguing hugger-mugger disingenuous slinky wordlessness hypogeal hypogean hypogeous Hush hush antonyms
known public revealed told aboveboard honest legal authorized forthright truthful open sociable far faraway inaccurate unfriendly unreserved beyond detached loose imprecise cool dry generous giving uncramped chatty talkative obvious uncovered bare clear disclosed exposed plain shown well-known common familiar unconcealed candid frank overt frankly openly publicly candidly honestly overtly hasty heedless incautious rash indiscreet foolish reckless decisive willing definite careless thoughtless uncareful certain sure committal judgemental ordinary unaware unknowing visible explicit legitimate apparent light defined agitation clamor noise communication permit release allow encourage let go start help communicate be noisy communicative confident extroverted responsive conservative ground sky condoned aboveground incite disturbance agitate irritate Usage of Hush hush in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi.
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