Husky meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Husky
As noun : उदूढ Ex:  , a husky voice, slightly husky, A voice that has a part of its timbre and its brightness
एस्किमो कुत्ता गरुअ गरुअर गरुवा गरूपु गरेरुआ जब्बर भारी उ:   आज यहाँ पर भारी मात्रा मे हर रोज यात्री आते हैं। मोहकम हुस्की कुत्ता
As adjective : भर्रायी हुई आवाज भूसी भरी हुई विरस शुष्क उ:   काफ़ी गर्म और शुष्क है।
Husky ki paribhasha : jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon koi bhi sookhi hui vastu ya padaarth jisaka paani nikala, ud ya jal gaya ho jisamen ras ka nirvaah na ho saka ho
Husky synonyms
hoarse gruff throaty rasping rough guttural croaking harsh loud raucous croaky growling stocky strapping muscular stout stalwart herculean brawny gigantic hefty mighty powerful rugged sinewy strong sturdy thickset well-built
Husky antonyms
soft low quiet little small thin skinny underweight weak
Usage of Husky in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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